Thursday, June 10, 2010

$$$ I've Got Some $$$

by KB

It was 7:00 in the morning, and I was walking to school with my brother and my two sisters. There was a guy that was walking with this older lady who dropped some money: 173 dollars, to be exact. I ran to it and picked it up, and when I turned around he was just about to turn the corner. So I ran to meet back up with my older sister and my little sister.

“Look, I’ve found some money!”
“Oooowwww! Let me get some!” My older sister said.
“Girl, no, I’m walking back home to tell mama.”
“I’ll walk with you, Kort-Kort,” my little brother said.
“Okay, come on.” We started to walk back home even though we were only two blocks away from school.
“Kortney can I get some money?” my little brother asked.
“Yup, but when we get home.”

30 minutes later…

Booom, Booom, Boom!!
“Mama, open the door”
“Who is it?”
“UUUUSSS! Your kids? Rob & Kort!”
“What are ya’ll doing back here?”
“I’ve found 500 dollars.” (I was in second grade, I didn’t know how to count. YET!!)
“What, Let me see!

Later that day…

We were at Southland mall, and my mom took me shopping for shoes and outfits. Before we started shopping we went to this massage stand by Macy’s (just before you walked in). We were there for about 30 minutes, and after we were done we were just about to head to the stores when a HUGE altercation ensued. There was a lady and her husband who ran into me because he was trying to fight his wife. I didn’t know what to do because I was inside of a fight, and my mom is crazy over her kids! So my mom jumped in and was pushing the lady and the man. They’ve got mad and started to argue with my mom; apologized, then started to argue where it started again. Finally, we went shopping. I was so happy that I found that money.

1 comment:

bck said...

Its hilarious ilikeit