Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Nephew's Story

by MH

My nephew is the first grandson of my father. Everyone in my family was expecting him anxiously. When my oldest sister was nine months and one week pregnant, her water broke. It was time for my nephew to be born.

My sister was in the hospital for four days. Then the doctors decided that they had to perform a surgical operation to deliver the baby. They used a lot of medication to soothe my sister's pain during the four days she was in labor. The result was that my nephew's heart became filled with liquids around it.

He was only ten minutes old when he had an operation on his heart to remove the liquids. The operation lasted two hours. Machines were rating his heart’s performance. He was in the hospital for fourteen days before he could come home.

When he did, we welcomed him with a lot of joy. He was given an appointment to return six months later to the hospital. They checked his heart with an ultrasound machine to check if all the liquids were gone. Fortunately, they were, and the doctors have not found any more of it. He is healthy now and has never been operated on again.

My nephew's name is Jayden Yandel Montoya, and he is now 18 months old. He is the craziest and strongest baby I know. Although he gets in a lot of trouble, he is very smart and everyone that meets him says that he is very handsome. I look forward to teaching him new things every day when I come home from school.

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