Monday, January 25, 2010

Exhilirating, fun, and motivating

By 6tabdanger

My winter break was exhilarating, fun, and motivating. In this essay I am going to share with you the activities and the lessons I learned. You will soon find out the amazing things that you may want to know. Get ready, get set and prepare for my essay.

A reason why my winter break was exhilarating is because I spent time with my friends. We played a lot of football and this game called “Zombie! Zombie!” and this game called Missions. Zombie Zombie is a game where there are two people are zombies and if you get tagged you are a zombie. Every man has to hold his own. Missions are a game when basically we run around and act like we are the army. These are some reason why my winter break was fun.

I also got an Xbox 360 Elite. I played this game called Modern Warfare 2. I beat the game in less than 2 days. I played for 15 hours nonstop. One of my neighbors taught me how to play online with people around the world. I’m already level 20. This is the reason why my winter break was exhilarating.

Last but not least my break was motivating. My dad and I talked about college and about associating myself with the right people. We talked about future careers and things I should try to major in during college. I learned that people that I hang around with could bring me down. I also learned that my education is important.

So maybe your winter break was as good as mine. Or maybe it wasn’t as good. If you need to spice it up a bit go out and get active with your friends. You could play Zombie Zombie or even something as simple as football. Maybe you should get Modern Warfare 2 and try to beat It. Or you could just sit down and talk to you family.

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